Evodia's Aviation, Aerospace & Space Division offers a unique level of expertise in sourcing for specialist roles in military aviation, aerospace and space.
We have over 25 years of experience in sourcing exceptional candidates to lead and support the development, manufacture, upgrade and support of combat and fast jet aircraft, helicopters, unmanned air vehicles & systems, air defence systems, radar and air traffic management technologies.
Our experience extends into space systems including observation, platforms, navigation, propulsion and secure communications support for military space projects and systems.
Our Aviation, Aerospace & Space recruitment team offer a fantastic, confidential and unrivalled service, designed to match the right job seeker to the right role and employer.
WIth over 20 years experience providing exceptional Aviation, Aerospace & Space talent we are able to quickly build an excellent understanding of job roles and requirements.
We understand the levels of security clearance required for specific defence projects (CTC, SC and DV clearance) and our talent pool contains over 10,000 experts that all hold a level of security clearance.
Our talent pool helps to distinguish us from other agencies. Since our inception we have networked and built long lasting relationships we a huge pool of skilled experts who support every technical area across land, sea and air platforms.
Defence Engineering Client:
"For the last 11 years I have worked very closely with Evodia in a recruitment supplier capacity. We have established an excellent relationship and formed a valuable partnership in finding high calibre, security cleared contractors to enable us to fill urgent positions quickly"
Job titles we have recruited
Aerodynamics Engineer |
Propulsion Engineer |
Avionics Engineer |
Structural Engineer |
Mechanical Engineer |
Design Engineer |
Security Engineer |
RAMS Engineer |
Airworthiness Engineer |
Certification Engineer |
Safety Engineer |
Requirements Engineer |
Aeronautical Engineer |
Systems Integration Engineer |
Quality Assurance Engineer |
Manufacturing Engineer |
Security Assurance Coordinator |
Human Factors Engineer |
Stress Engineer |
ILS Engineer |
Hardware Engineer |
Engineering Manager |
Thermal Engineer |
Astrodynamics Engineer |
Systems Engineer |
ITEA Engineer |
Electrical Engineer |
Embedded Software Engineer |
Ground Segment Engineer |
Test Engineer |
Product Assurance Engineer |
Firmware Engineer |
Flight Engineer |
RF Engineer |
Mission Architect |
Communications Engineer |
Payload Engineer |
Radar Engineer |
Click here to send us your Aviation, Aerospace & Space vacancy today for a no-obligation conversation with one of our recruitment consultants.